Thursday 11 August 2011

Ya Allah, lift my heart, relieve my burdens, and make me of those who put their full trust in You for all of their affairs.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Heavenly Cloud

Heavenly cloud....

You are right
About the distance of 1 inch of it
Ya... The thing about accepting and forgiving

When was the last time to say 'I love you'? 
Yesterday? 2 days ago? more? last week?
Or you're not even remember anymore...

To not be worried about 'how long this will last'
To not be forced by 'time,challenges, opportunities, and youth age'

One of the deep mysteries to me is about 'our source'
To you, though sometimes I cry and forget about it
I realized, this maturity will grow like a cloud cycle that changes daily.

And for her, Heavenly cloud...
She was eager to tell to her beloved one... 

You are the source of my everything Towards Bravery. 
Even if you forget the last time you say 'I love you', she always wanted to tell you, I love you.